

Stranger in Sacramento (Uno Straniero a Sacramento)

The Mickster doesn't fill in really the main role

Giulio Marchetti (?) shows up

D: Sergio Bergonzelli (“Serge Bergon”); S: S.B.; C: Adalberto Albertini (“Al Albert”); M: Felice di Stefano; with: Miklos (“Mickey”) Hargitay, Florencia Silvero (“Flo Silver”), Steve Saint-Clair, Johnny Jordan,


The Jordan family, consisting of Ringo (Miklos Hargitay), his two brothers and their father, and a dairy herd are on their way from A to B. During he is in search for some water, two unknowns try to forbid Ringo the passage through the region. Ringo buries the two rogues with a little help of his fast gun. Back in the camp, he has to realize, that his relatives are dead and the cows are stolen. As he informs the sheriff of Sacramento, this doesn’t believe him and tries to arrest him because of murder: The two dead blockheadz were crew-members of rich landowner Barnett (Giulio Marchetti (?)), benefactor of the whole region. Ringo has to flee. Together with Chris, a horse-thief, and strapping widow Lisa Morgan (Florencia Silvero), whose sister was killed by Barnett, he reveals the true face of honourable Barnett. But our heroes have to overcome strong opposition, before they can ride into the sunset with their dairy herd.


I 1965


The Gunslinger says:

Once again a limpy flick by Bergonzelli with a weak and illogical story, which features spontaneous changes between day and night as well ;-). Optically the film is obviously inspired by the US B-Western, but infact the location strongly looks like european mixed forest. In addition former muscleman Miklos Hargitay is a limited “actor”, who can’t fill in the leading role. The whole acting is weak: Only Barbara Frey as Barnett’s daughter Rhona and Florencia Silvero deliver passable work.

As a novelty Bergonzelli implements a new kind of rogue, whose influence doesn’t base on the weapons of hired gunslingers, suppression or corruption in its literal sense: Barnett is a smart guy, who lets profit the whole population of his wealth for a little bit. His shady dealings take place in the background, so that even his daughter doesn’t know about them. The result: Barnett is a well respected and distinguished citizen, who has no problems to find allies. Even the sheriff, an upright man, firstly is on his side until the tissue of lies collapses.


Rating: $$


Bodycount: ca. 22 Gringos


Explicit Brutalities:

- Two deputies beat up Chris before hanging him

- Barnett’s men smash Ringo because of making “false” accusations

- Ringo tortures one of Barnett’s employees to find out the truth



Ringo loves Lisa and vice versa. Happy End, folx! 4/10



With the help of a blowgun and a peace of cotton, drowned with Chloroforme, Chris helps Ringo to escape outta jail


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