Luigi Batzella ("Paolo Solvay"); B: L.B., Mario DeRosa, Gaetano dell'Era; C: Giorgio Montagnani; M: Vasili Kojucharov; with:
Giovanni Scarciofolo ("Jeff Cameron"), John Desmont, William Major (Mayor), Edilio Kim, Dominique Badou., Esmeralda Barros
The four brothers Cortez eliminate the bank in Silver City, but still want more: They kidnap the young Susan Crane
(Dominique Badou), from which they expect information about a gold mine. Unfortunately the kidnapping alarms Django (Giovanni
Scarciofolo), because Susan is his engaged one. As his first official act he orders four coffins with the local coffin carpenter,
because he knows: "Corpses begin to stink fast. They are an easily perishable commodity." Some other people join the hunting
party for the criminal kinship: the strange bank employee Fulton (William Major), the bear-strong Pickwick (John Desmont),
whom the Cortez' have stolen his valuable saddle, and the beautiful Donna Dolores (Esmeralda Barros), who is greedy for the
The Gunslinger says:
Poor film, made in 1971, with extremely poor actors. Atmospherically and optically the strip ranks rather among
the category: "I go on the meadow next door and try to make a Western." Thus the typical full-green euro hardwood forest atmosphere,
which "distinguishes"many of those C-Italos, although the struggling story of this movie takes place in Mexico. But the score
of Vasili Konjucharov is ok. Director Luigi Batzella later made some really bad horror- / erotic- and war-flicks, and his
filmographie is hard to stand even for trash-fans.
Rating: $
Bodycount: 18 Mexicans, 2 Women