D: Luigi Capuano ("Lewis King"); S: Robert Keaton, Luigi Capuano; C: Pablo Ripoll; M: Frank Mason; with: Roel
Bos ("Glenn Saxson"), John Barracuda, Barbara Loy, Beni ("Beny") Deus, Gloria Osuna
15 years ago bandits bumped off the
family Lopez. Only little Manuel survived and searches now as El Desperado (Roel Bos) revenge at the rogues, who control the
small town of Santa Clara.
The Gunslinger says:
Spaghetti Western without tension
and atmosphere, but with punishable acting achievements in addition. Luigi Capuano ("Lewis King") made this nothing in 1967.
Nevertheless a passable soundtrack by Frank Mason.
Rating: $
Bodycount: 36 Gringos, 5 Mexicans, 1 Woman
Explicit brutalities:
On the search for El Desperado the bandits
ravage the Mexican municipality of Santa Clara. Even some women are treated with a rifle butt in their pretty face.
The childhood love between Evelyn (Barbara
Loy), daughter of shifty judge Wilkins (Beny Deus), and womanizer El Desperado (goodly like so often: Roel Bos) flourishs
again: 3/10
Splatter: 0/10