Everlasting friends: Franco Ressel (front) and the knife in his back |
D: Giuliano Carnimeo ("Anthony Ascott");
S: Giovanni Simonelli, Roberto Gianviti; C: Stelvio Massi; M: Bruno Nicolai; with: Gianni ("John") Garko, Antonio Vilar, Daniela
Giordano, Helga Liné, Luis Induni, Ivano Stacciali, Gorge Wang
The Simpson Gang, a bunch of hired killers,
bumps off old golddigger Benson and his friends, because of rumors, that Benson has discovered a rich goldmine. But Sartana
(Gianni Garko), black clothed adventurer, who had a bone to pick with the old crook for himself, kills the Simpsons and tries
to find out, who has hired them. Heiress of the Benson land is his niece Jasmine (Daniela Giordano). She is pressed by banker
Hoverman (Antonio Vilar) and Li Tse Tung (George Wang), who owns the gambling house of Indian Creek: Both rogues try to take
possession of the land. Sartana helps the efficient girl out of the jam, detects and buries the criminals and finally makes
plenty of money.
The Gunslinger says:
In 1970 Carnimeo and Garko collaborated
for the second and penultimate time within the framework of the Sartana serial. Garko does a good job as usual, and Daniela
Giordano, Miss Italy of 1967, is nice to watch.. Technically and atmospherically the film is state of the Spaghetti art. But
in this fourth Sartana film (with Garko) the main figure suffers under a conspicious fatigue syndrome. Anyhow it's entertaining
to some extent and equipped with a nice guitar-trumpet-score by Bruno Nicolai.
Rating: $$$-
Bodycount: 24 gringos
Explicit brutalities:
Evil croupier Piggot (Franco Ressel)
beats up the old untertaker of Indian Creek because of a load of fresh flowers of unknown provenence
Money makes the world go round: 0/10
Splatter: 0/10
- Sartana carries along his well known
fourbarrelled dillinger. He throws prepared playing cards and sickles skilfully and unerringly.
- Hoverman posseses a file, armed with a colt: so a certain stream
of information is guaranteed