D: Carlo Croccolo („Lucky Moore“); S: Luigi Angelo, Carlo Croccoolo („Charles
Foster“); C: Franco Villa; M: Daniele Patucci; with: Victoriano Gazzara („Fred Robsham“), Klaus Kinski;
Marina Malfatti („Marina Mulligan“), Enzo Pulcrano („Paul Craine")
Tenston, a small Texan town,
is terrorized by the brothers O’Hara, led by evil Pedro (Enzo Pulcrano) and and younger brother, saloon owner Chico
(Antonio Cantafora). Supported by the timid judge Wilson (Claudio Trionfi), who legalizes the contracts of sale, the O‘Hara
clan gains control over the whole pastureland. Representatives of the law like sheriffs or officials are bumped off on the
spot. But wind changes as gunslinger and cardsharper Burt Collins (Victoriano Gazzara) is forced to take over the vacant sheriff
star. After the O’Haras have killed his little brother Peter and raped his sister-in-law Sarah (Marina Malfatti), Collins starts to cause the evil
mob to be buried. Meanwhile shifty lawyer James Webb (Klaus Kinski) puts a stop on judge Wilson’s game, who benefitted
from the fact, that the O’Haras played hooky in their youth.
The Gunslinger says:
Quite good try of Carlo Croccolo out of 1971. Croccolo, still active in the business, plays the tremulous deputy.
But quite bad are the acting efforts of the „bad guys“: Furthermore the O’Haras look like as if they took
a veeeeery long bath in shoeblacking. Kinski seems to be once more out of place: So he has only to carry fat legal books from
A to B or to wait for judge Wilson. But, hey, nothing else to complain, folx: the atmosphere is tough and brutal, supported
by a real good camera work and an atmospheric score with many electronic gimmicks.
Rating: $$$+
Bodycount: 15 Gringos, 21 Mexicans, 1 woman
Explicit brutalities:
- The O’Haras slaughter Sullivan’s predecessor in office. After the killing they throw knifes on the corpse
- Burt Collins is minced by the gangsters, before they rape his sister-in-law and finally kill his brother
Luv‘: 0/10
Kinski arms his weighty tomes with revolvers. Unfortunately he uses them hardly ever
Splatter: 3/10