D: Mario
Caiano; S: Eduardo di Broschero; C: Julio Ortas; M: Francesco di Masi; with: Craig Hill, Giulia Rubini, Eduardo Fajardo, Piero
Lulli, Roberto Camardiel, Nello Pazzafini
Will Flaherty (Craig Hill) escapes outta jail, where Luke Brana
(Piero Lulli) has brought him in for bankrobbery and murder with a false testimony. Flaherty‘s craving for his girlfriend
Peggy (Giulia Rubini), brings him back to Laramie, where she owns a saloon. Unfortunately the gang of psychotic Tiny (Eduardo
Fajardo) comes to Laramie too, because the gangsters wanna rob the miner‘s wages, deposited in the bank. But the gold
isn’t arrived yet. So Tiny determines to wait for it’s arrival. The inhabitants of the small town are locked into
the church, travellers, having the tough shit to arrive in Laramie are bumped off or imprisoned too, like a stagecoach full
of showgirls. In the meantime even hardboiled Flaherty is caught by the gang, where his old „mate“ Luke is member
too. Will now wants to find out, who committed the crime, he was imprisoned for, whereas Luke tries to eliminate the annoying
confident. And anger starts to grow in the gang, because the gold stays away.
Gunslinger says:
and rude Spaghettiwestern, made by Mario Caiano in 1968. Unfortunately the film gives away the possibilities to gain tension
aout of the "Waiting-for-Godot"-situation and the problems the arrival of Flaherty causes for Luke and Tiny. Instead of we
see a looong brawl between the gangsters and the showgirls as well as a boring and plumbiferous finish. Pluses of the film
are the capable actors, fat sounds and a fitting di-Masi-score.
Bodycount: 23
Will and Peggy finally
can take a drink together: 2/10
Explicit brutalities:
- Laramie’s doc gets the stick by the gangsters without reason
- The gang questions Will about the hidden booty of the bankrobbery,
he didn’t commit ;-)
- After the escape of Will, Peggy has to bear the consequences
- Angry citizens lynch two mobsters in the church
Splatter: 2/10