D: Gianfranco Baldanello; S: G.F., Luigi Ambrosini, Augusto Finocchi, Mario Mattei; C: Mario Fioretti; M: Coriolano
(“Lallo”) Gori; with: Robert Woods, Rik Battaglia, Nino Fuscagni, Larry Dolgin, Mimmo Palmara, Frederico Chentrens
Jack Murphy (Robert Woods) and his gang rob a bank: With the money Jack wants to simplify life for his sister Estelle (Sascia
Krusciarska)und her husband Peter (Nino Fuscagni). But after the coup the gangsters start a fight about the distribution of the booty. Finally Jack takes all, leaving
his former mates a little bit pissed. With the little help of 2000 dollars and the corrupt Indian Joe (Mimmo Palmara)
the gangsters track down their ex-boss. The following special treatment leaves little Estelle raped, scalped and dead, whereas
her brother is crippled, nearly insane and thirsting for revenge. With cudgels, knife, lariat, colt and the scalp of his sister
Jack chases his old gangmates, who have booked their place in a coffin. Finally the last oddment of humanity is gone, and
there are left only the shattered remains of another live for the surviving protagonists.
Gunslinger says:
Quite brutal flick, made by Gianfranco Baldanello in 1968. No morality, no mercy: The acting persons differ
only in the grade of their corruption. Respect for Robert Woods, who I recognized as an actor with extremly limited talents
so far: He is great as limping, lunatic angel of the apocalypse. Good acting from the other cast too. Like
the atmosphere and the great score of Lallo Gori, which contents a sacral and sinister organ, a jazzy stiffed trumpet, fuzz-guitars
and – naturally - churchbells. The predictable story gains some interesting kicks by the explicit brutalities Jack occurs
for his victims.
this film is released in an english version yet, folx, go and get it!
Rating: $$$$
Bodycount: 13 Gringos, 1 Mexican, 1 Indian
Explicit brutalities:
- The gangsters question Jack over the hidden money.
During the questioning they puncture one of his hands, shoot one foot and finally hang him up. Estelle is raped
and killed. After that Indian Joe steals her hair.
- After Jack geave them 200 bucks,
some mexican citizens slay one of Jack’s torturers. Comment: „Foreign currencies out of the north, amigos.“
- Django forces his ex-mate Gordon
(Frederico Chentrens) to shoot his brother Billy (Goffredo „Fredy“ Unger). Then he flock him with a lariat around
his neck behind a horse and shoots him in his patellas: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!
- Indian Joe gets some problems with
Estelle’s hair
Susan (Lucienne Bridou) loves Jack.
But after things have turned out really brutally, there is no place for her any longer: 1/10
Splatter: 2/10