D: Giorgio Cristallini; B: G.C.; C: Fausto Rossi; M: Franco Micalizzi; with: Ty Hardin, Giacomo Rossi Stuart,
Christian Hay, Jenny Atkins
Jack Thompson (Ty Hardin), called "Sacramento", rather flogs himself as a "price-boxer" in saloons than worrying about
his Hacienda, which is therefore run by his children Maggie (Jenny Atkins) and Jim (Christian Hay). But this life soon comes
to an end: Bandit boss Tom Murdock (Giacomo Rossi Stuart) kidnaps Sally, in order to call in with reproduction funds of a
boxing-fight, which him are allegedly still being entitled. "Sacramento" attaches himself to his heels.
The Gunslinger says:
Action- and tension-poor film made by Giorgio Cristallini in 1970. Only the good camera guidance (Fausto Rossi)
and the soundtrack of Franco Micalizzi guarantee some entertainment. The 70s-haircuts of the protagonists are great! With
US-B-Movie-Actor Ty Hardin (among other things "SOS Charterboat", "Bronco") and weak Giacomo Rossi Stuart the main roles are
adequately occupied.
Rating: $
Bodycount: 24
Saloon boss Rosie (Krista Nell) fells shyly in love with Sacramento; whereas the hot blooded Evelyn (Kathrin Asimus)
is looking after his son Jimbo. She scratches sharply at a veritable sex scene. Harm, therefore only 2/10.
Sacramentos horse "Ringo" (sic!) has a few beautiful scenes